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Andrew Jackson

The Life of Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson’s life was full of battles – not just struggles, but actual battles. The strong-willed frontiersman ruled his life based on a set of beliefs that led to confrontations with anyone deemed to be a threat to one of his core principles. … His indomitable will often carried the day, fixing his gaze on a target, regardless of how difficult, and willing himself and his colleagues to the successful outcome through an unforgiving grit and determination. Jackson was feared, and rightfully so, in part because he was fearless. There was no challenge he wouldn’t accept, with the confidence that he would always prevail, in part because he had no doubts about the righteousness of his desires. … Jackson rarely wasted time justifying the means of his behavior. In Jackson’s mind, the end always justified the means. If that meant breaking traditional norms, violating the orders of his superiors, or usurping power assigned to others, then that was fine with him. … With his innate confidence, he transformed the presidency into a seat of power that had heretofore been muted in its scope and authority. In this sense, Andrew Jackson may have been the most monarchical president in the history of the nation. But the people of the nation loved him for it, the results he achieved, and even the unorthodox manner in which he achieved them. … This was the faith the people had in Andrew Jackson, regardless of the despotic tendencies of his reign.

Volume II: Democracy Expands

Full Volume

Andrew Jackson

The second volume of Presidential Chronicles tells the life stories of the following five American Presidents who emerged to power in the first half of the 19th Century:
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Fisher explores the nation’s initial expansion, bringing forward the democratic ideals of greater access to the ballot and a more direct say in the selection of their national leader. Those leaders represented different political parties and ideologies, as well as widely divergent backgrounds and personalities. Democracy Expands explores the early political battles over the proper role of the U.S. Federal government, the national impact of western expansion, and the tense oppositional clashes that emerged between the executive and legislative branches of government. Andrew Jackson may have dominated this era with his outsized personality, military exploits, and strong-willed vision of the nation’s presidency, but all of the stories in Volume II of Presidential Chronicles add to the rendering of this expansive period in American history, including the elevation of the nation’s first Vice President into the executive chair, and a whole new method of campaigning for national office.


The Life of Andrew Jackson


Andrew Jackson

The following Jackson videos have been released (10 of 10)
Jackson #1: Rough Upbringing (1767-1800)
Jackson #2: Serial Duelist (1788-1813)
Jackson #3: Major General and War (1802-1814)
Jackson #4: Hero of New Orleans (1814-1815)
Jackson #5: On His Own Responsibility (1817-1821)
Jackson #6: Path to the Presidency (1824-1829)
Jackson #7: New Kind of President (1829-1837)
Jackson #8: Kill the Bank … and the Economy (1829-1837)
Jackson #9: Jacksonian Federalism (1829-1833)
Jackson #10: Retirement and Legacy (1837-1845)

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