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Thomas Jefferson

The Life of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is one of the most revered Founding Fathers. The phrases that emanated from his pen embody the spirit of the American Revolution, defining not only for his generation but for all posterity the essence of liberty that has forever been encapsulated in the American psyche. … But this is only one side of a man who often failed to live up to his own highbrow rhetoric. In fact, at critical junctures throughout his life, Jefferson’s behavior ran directly counter to his stated ideals. … His personal hypocrisy in the face of real-world challenges must also be part of the understanding of the person, alongside the popular notions of the esteemed founder. Jefferson, through his writings, provided his nation with what has persevered through time as the essence of what America is all about (or, at least, what it’s supposed to be all about). At the same time, his personal failings to live up to many of those standards are equally part of the Jefferson story, one which clouds the glorious image with darkened hues.

Volume I: The Founders

Full Volume

Thomas Jefferson

The first volume of Presidential Chronicles tells the life stories of the following five Presidents who helped define the role of the nation’s chief executive:
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Fisher captures the essence of the founding era through these lives that spanned the military, legislative, diplomatic, and ultimately executive roles that helped define the start of the American experiment. He provides a first-person perspective to the pre-revolutionary era, the colonial rebellion, the war for independence, the diplomatic efforts abroad, and the challenges of starting a new nation based on democratic principles – something unlike anything the world had ever seen before. He explores the inter-connected nature of the lives of these founding leaders – relationships and experiences that were essential to the dawn of the Republic, but also broke down over the different visions they brought to bear on how to shape the new nation they helped to birth.


The Life of Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson

The following Jefferson videos have been released (10 of 10)
Jefferson #1: Youth to Rebel (1743-1775)
Jefferson #2: The Declaration (1776)
Jefferson #3: The War at Home (1776-1783)
Jefferson #4: Diplomat (1783-1789)
Jefferson #5: George Washington's Cabinet (1790-1793)
Jefferson #6: Leader of the Opposition (1794-1800)
Jefferson #7: Revolution of 1800 (1800-1809)
Jefferson #8: Monarchist? (1801-1809)
Jefferson #9: Martha, Maria, and Sally (1770-1826)
Jefferson #10: The Sage of Monticello (1809-1826)

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